SurviveJS — Training
From apprentice to master

SurviveJS - Training#

I offer training on top of the books. The topics include JavaScript maintenance, React, and webpack. The topics may also be combined based on the exact need.

The way training works is simple, you'll have me available at your premises for a day or two and I'll go through the material with you while we perform exercises to drill down the points. I may bring guest stars (remote/local) depending on the need. The training can be combined with consulting.

Consider the following examples of cases that went through:

  • Kapsch wanted to refactor internal tooling for a project and understand how it works. I brought the needed people together and helped to facilitate this process. The project culminated in two days of on-site training.
  • eBay wanted internal training based on React and webpack. We arranged two days training on-site and later on worked a week together consulting a specific project with certain goals.
  • Typeform wanted a week of on-site consulting and training. We went through both React and webpack topics in series of presentations and worked together where feasible.
  • The founder of Quantifio wanted to understand webpack configuration of their project better. We spent two hours together and went through the ideas in detail based on the client need.

These are just a few examples of the training and consulting cases I've done. I have used webpack for a few years and I am a part of webpack core team. I wrote a 337 page book about the tool and spent months touring with the book in 2017.

I'm based in Vienna and I can reach most of Europe conveniently. I am available up to two weeks although I can be around just a day or two. A week is a good compromise and often it's a good idea to arrange a meetup to get most out of the time.

Read more about the workshop offering - Workshops can take anything from half a day to multiple days.


I'm flexible when it comes to pricing. In case you prefer something fixed, consider the following examples that apply to Europe:

  • One day workshop - 1500 € (VAT 0)
  • Two day workshop - 2500 € (VAT 0)
If you are based in Vienna, you'll get a 500 € discount.

The prices include accommodation and travel costs so you don't have to worry about those separately. Although workshops rely mainly on the material I have already, I develop it based on client needs. For webpack workshops, I arrange a QA session with Tobias Koppers, the creator of the tool, and more is possible based on demand.

Bigger commitments than this are negotiated per case.


  • AlphaSense
  • eBay
  • Kapsch - "Great and helpful workshops with @bebraw @filipematossilv and @wSokra Thank you, guys. Great work!" Source.
  • Kitchen Reklamebyrå
  • Namics - This will bring our Webpack builds to the next level: great workshop with deep knowledge from @bebraw and @wsokra. Thank you guys!"
  • Sevenval (in German)
  • Typeform
  • Quantifio - "I learned and understood more of webpack in a two-hour masterclass than all previous training combined. Juho has the skills and repertoire to improvise content and fine tune relevancy - he connected the dots on specific topics in an Electron environment and had the answers you wont find online."
  • Wix - I did sessions with Wix during YGLF Kiev.
  • Xeneta

About the Trainer

Juho Vepsäläinen Juho Vepsäläinen is behind the SurviveJS effort. He has been active in the open source scene since the early 2000s and participated in projects like Blender and webpack as a core team member.

Juho lives in Vienna, Austria, and was chosen as the Finnish Code Ambassador of 2017 by Blue Arrow Awards. He organizes React Finland and GraphQL Finland.

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